
What Is The Easiest Type Of Beer To Brew

  • Dec 28, 2021
  • 59
  • tiantai
As a beginner level homebrewer, it can be quite overwhelming to pick a type of beer to start off with.

In this blog post, I will go over some of the easiest types of beer to brew to help you pick a beer recipe you can complete without any trouble.

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What Is the Easiest Type of Beer to Brew? Ale is considered the easiest beer to brew among most homebrewers. When brewing ales it is very easy to make up for any mistakes that may have occurred. Ales are very easy to salvage, which is one of the main reasons why they are considered the easiest type of beer to make.

If you want some information on various types of beer you can easily brew, keep reading this post as I dive into detail about some very easy beer styles you can make!

Among most homebrewers, it is well-known that ales are probably the easiest beer type to make.

Ales are very forgiving in their brewing process, meaning that even if you make some errors it is quite easy to salvage the beer, whereas other beer types can get completely ruined if you mess up any part of the brewing process.

As a beginner, it can be tempting to get into the more advanced beer types like Imperials or Lagers etc. but you should probably stick to something straightforward, to begin with.

Easy-to-Brew Beer Types
Below you will find some different beer types that are all very easy to make, you may notice right away that the vast majority of these are ales.

The reason for this is quite simply that ales are the easiest style of beer to brew.

American Amber Ale
An American amber ale, or amber ales, in general, is a household favorite among many beer drinkers.

Amber ales generally have less hop-flavor and focus more on the malt flavors of the beer. The amber ales use less acidic hops which results in a hop flavor that isn't as overpowering as other types of ales and beers in general.

American Pale Ale
The American Pale Ale is quite similar to the brewing of the amber ale, but is different in terms of the hops used and how they affect this beer.

The grain used can be almost identical, but the pale ale has a far more potent hop flavor to it that makes it quite different in taste compared to the amber ale.

One huge plus of using a heavy hop bill in brewing, is that it can quite easy cover up errors you may have made.

American Wheat Ale
An American Wheat Ale is actually a beer inspired heavily by the German Hefeweizen beer type.

This style of beer is described to have a light to medium body, a cloudy look and with flavors of citrus, clove and banana.

American Brown Ale
This type of brown ale comes on both American or English versions, with the key difference being the hop content.

The American brown ale uses a substantial amount of American hops and American yeast, where the English version uses ingredients from various nationalities.

Similar in color to the amber ale, but slightly darker due to the use of dark malt in the brewing process.
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