
How To Carbonate And Condition a True Lager?

  • Feb 19, 2022
  • 150
  • tiantai
Now for this, we are talking about brewing true lagers, so those are beers that are brewed between 53 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit in beer machines. This is not for our lager-style beers like the American Lager, Oktoberfest Lager, Etc. However, you can take any of our lager styles and brew them with your micro beer plant as a true lager if you can hold the fermentation temperature.

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Lagers that are brewed with lager yeast tend to be a little crisper, and smooth and they are also very clear. Also, brewing with lager yeast can take a little longer than normal as the yeast can move a little slower at those temperatures.

Alright, so you brewed your lager and your bottling it now, do you let it carbonate at the fermentation temp or room temperature? Either way will work, one will just take longer. If you let them carbonate at room temperature you can let them sit at room temp for 2 weeks to build up the C02.

If you are not in a rush you can carbonate them at the fermentation temperature but they do take significantly lager to carbonate at that temperature.

Now the term conditioning can also be referred to as aging or lagering. Lagering is when you store beer for a longer period of time at a cold temperature.

The ideal temperature for that seems to the range, but it does seem consistent that for long term lagering of 3-4 weeks you will want to be at a temperature of below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Most brewers seem to be around 32-34 degrees.

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Emily Gong

Tags : beer plant    beer brewing plant   
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